The How and What of Work From Home [Pros & Cons]

The How and What of Work From Home Should I Be Excited?

As you’re well aware, nowadays a person cannot avoid running into some form of Work from Home while surfing the web.

For this reason, I hope I could shed some light and enlighten you on the possible opportunities that you may benefit from working from home.

But first, a brief mention of me, I’ve been working from home for the past 12 years.

I work as a Property Manager, Commercial Real Estate Salesperson, and more recently in the past 3 years, I own and operate my own websites.

Therefore, I can most definitely relate to and hold experience in working out of the house.

Personally speaking, I’m an advocate of operating a home base business, if that is if you have the opportunity to do so.

However, I’m even a stronger believer in self-employment, freelance, or simply, working for oneself.

Especially, considering how and what I do for a living, as mentioned above, are all interrelated to each other, thanks to the online/internet/web world we live in today.

How times have changed so quickly in the past ten years.

Taking advantage of the progressive tide.

In summation, speaking for myself, I’m always opened to all forms of tangible and intangible business opportunity as long as it’s legitimate.

And notably, the online/internet/web related world which is and has been gaining huge attention and not to mention, the tremendous growth to this present day.

Plus, more importantly, for me anyway, to have this great opportunity to work online from the convenience of my home.

So, if you can indulge me, allow me to add a bit more facts to support the future outlook concerning the online/internet/web sector.

What does the future look like for the online/internet/web business?

To answer this question we must first acknowledge what the populace of the world is telling us. (Source acquired from

When I started working online back in October 2015 there were about 7.3 billion people on earth and of which 3.3 billion people were using the internet.

However, more recently as of December 31, 2019, out of 7,796,615,710 (billion) people there are 4,574,150,134 (billion) internet users.

This works out to about 28 million new internet users per month or about 336 million new users a year.

As a result, the online/internet sector has had and is projected to continue to have a commanding influence globally.

Moreover, not to be all technical or sound too analytical, the online/internet has had a tremendous impact on the Global Gross Domestic Product (Global GDP) Sectors: Agriculture, Industry, and Service.

The Agriculture, Industry, and Service Sectors are now quite dependent on the online/internet/web world.

And undoubtedly, for this reason, the online/internet will continue to have an enormous bearing on the way how all forms of business will be conducted for the present and future.

I’m sure the online/internet has made, one way or another, some kind of impact in your daily lives as well.

Again, to reiterate the online/internet is here to stay, it will continue to diversify and expand on further job creation throughout the world.

Consequently, emerging as one of the primary factors for sustaining the fuel for the financial growth of the world.

Who do you think is going to benefit the most?

Furthermore, the reverberations from the online/internet monetary growth will first benefit the risk-takers of whom are the owners, shareholders, and self-employed.

The risk the owners, shareholders, and self-employed are willing to accept to enjoy a greater reward and for the generous piece of the pie.

I’m hoping you’ll keep an open mind and not limit yourself to solely working for someone else.

Keep in mind, working from home should not restrict your options, but instead broaden the feasibility for you to consider becoming your own boss.

Having said that, one good thing for sure, despite if we are an owner or an employee, we all should be excited about the present.

And even more so, I am thrilled at looking forward to what the future technological innovations may bring-in on enhancing all forms of Work from Home opportunities.

So, what does the data say?

However, I am well aware of the fact as to the statistics on employment which shows clearly that globally, the majority or 90% percent of us work for an employer.

With that being said, let’s take a look at exactly what is offered on the world wide web and rather than searching “Work from Home” which is too broad to cover, allow me to narrow it down to “Online Work from Home Jobs”.

Here are some I’ve come across which you might find intriguing in pursuing while Working Online from Your Home.

  • Online customer service (paid per hour)
  • Shop from home assistant (paid per hour)
  • Answer emails (paid per hour)
  • Short tasks – surveys, create texts, write articles, etc. (paid per hour or per task)
  • Search Engine Evaluator (paid per hour)
  • Data entry (paid per hour)
  • Transcription (paid per hour)
  • Virtual Assistant (paid per hour)
  • Marketing Coordinator (paid per hour)
  • Social media managers and moderators (paid per hour)
  • Online Tutor (paid per hour or charge by the hour)
  • Online Juror (paid per case)
  • Editing and Proofreading (paid per hour)
  • Freelance Writer (paid per hour or charged per article)
  • Translator- spoken, written and audio (paid per hour)
  • Internet Analyst (paid per hour)
  • Graphic Designer (paid per hour or charged by the hour)
  • Genealogist (paid per project)
  • Sales of all type (majority Commission based)
  • Day Trader (Profit or Loss of your investment)
  • Computer Technical Support (paid per hour)
  • Affiliate Marketer (Commission or Fee-based)

Listed above are only a few and there are no shortages of what more you can find on the web. And, as made aware above, you can even broaden your search results by searching “Work at Home” or “Work from Home”.

However, as you can see, if you’re determined on settling for a job by which you want to be compensated by the hour, there are numerous options for you to select from.

But be informed here’s what’s required.

  • Range from no experience, experience, degree, or even an advanced degree.
  • The standard background, credit, criminal, etc.. Inquiry and check.
  • Expect to present your resume followed by a phone interview and/or in-person interview may be required.

So, once you’ve narrowed down your prospects prepare for the interview by searching and reviewing “Work at or from Home interview tips.”

Despite all the endless possibilities, it’s crucial for you to verify the employer to make certain they’re not a scam.

There are scammers pretending to be employers, employment agencies, or services. These scammers will persuade you to fill out job applications for the sole purpose of stealing your identity.

In addition, they’ll charge you for bogus background, application, and other erroneous fees. Think twice before giving out your Credit Card information and be extra careful handing out your Social Security number and Date of Birth.

So, be sure to be constantly alert. Keep in mind, there will always be dishonest low life scammers quick to prey on you.

But all in all, if you are determined on working from your home to receive a paycheck, then you should not have any difficulty obtaining one.

So, utilize the web/internet and with precaution seek the best opportunity that may be the most suitable for you.

Lastly, before you do anything else let’s examine what are the Pros and Cons of Working from Home/Online.


  • Being close to your family
  • For the majority more family time
  • Not guaranteed but work when you want
  • Not having to commute (save money and time)
  • Save money on business (attire, meals, dry cleaning, etc.)
  • Wear what you want
  • Possible money savings for childcare
  • In most cases work from anywhere not just home
  • Eat and cook when and what you want
  • Self-discipline (accountable for self)
  • No more unproductive gossip
  • Tax benefits


  • Distractions from family and household noise
  • Self-discipline (depression, isolation, self-motivation, etc.)
  • Promotional issue: out of sight out of mind (unless self-employed)
  • Home Office, Costs for home office and supplies
  • More utility costs (electricity, gas, water)
  • More home fuel usage
  • Possible additional phone line or lines
  • Reliable internet connection a must
  • Backup during a power outage (computer, internet, etc.)

As related, I’ve owned and operated my websites since 2015 and worked out of my house for the past 12 years.

I know and have experienced a thing or two on the Pros and Cons, but for me, the Pros outweigh the Cons by far.

A final word, the online/internet sector is here to stay. It will continue to receive support from the Main Sectors: Agriculture, Industry, and Service.

And, along with the world population showing no signs of stagnation, there are no shortages of demand for all forms of online/internet technology.

For the majority of the developed countries, we are dependent on the online/internet for everyday lives.

How times have changed.

Speaking for myself the online/internet has a commanding influence on how my family makes purchases which are primarily online and that’s including big-ticket items.

To make a case how strange it may seem, during our recent vacation we did more shopping in the brick and mortar stores and as funny as it sounds we enjoyed it.

However, once we got home we went back to our routine and dreaded going to the stores.

So, the point I’m making is that the signals and signs are telling us we got to get involved in this online/internet “thing” before it gets too old and saturated.

What Other Options are There?

Therefore, for those of you who have ever thought of Starting Your Own Online Business

by setting up your own website and work from anywhere with just a PC and an internet connection then I know I can help you.

But one thing I must tell you, this is NOT a GET-RICH-QUICK scheme and much of your time and effort is needed.

Should I stop everything that I’m doing and go full-time?

The wisest and the best advice I could give you before recommending this company or should I say this community is for you to continue doing what you’re doing.

In other words, don’t stop working at your present job but continue to work full-time and do this during your spare time at least in the beginning.

Once you’ve completed the Free Training Lessons (Free Starter Membership) then and only then consider if you want to spend the money to upgrade for the paid program (Premium Membership).

Please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.

Although there are people making money within months, the majority will not and it could take a year and even longer.

Why? Some due to personal reasons but the majority because they’re not willing to invest the time to learn and apply what they have learned.

They utterly do not take action on the tasks at hand or don’t follow through on their new-found knowledge.

Sadly, the large percentage don’t even complete the Free Training Lessons, never giving themselves a fair chance to see if truly this working online/working from home online for a living would be for them.

This online/internet business, although it can be very lucrative, “is not for everyone” because otherwise, “everyone will be doing it”.

I don’t want to give you the false impression that doing business online is easy because it’s not.

Please keep in mind, if you’re serious about starting your web/online business make sure to complete the Free Training Lessons.

It’s Free with no strings attached and more significantly the lessons will thoroughly go over all that a newbie or a beginner should and must know.

So, with all that being said, if you’re ready to change your life and start paying yourself the income you deserve based on your hard work, ability, and effort then you’ve come to the right place.

And hence, I’m delighted to introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate.

Please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.

Although there are people making money within months, the majority will not and it could take a year and even longer.

Why? Some due to personal reasons but the majority because they’re not willing to invest the time to learn and apply what they have learned.

They utterly do not take action on the tasks at hand or don’t follow through on their new-found knowledge.

Sadly, the large percentage don’t even complete the Free Training Lessons, never giving themselves a fair chance to see if truly this working online for a living would be for them.

This online/internet business, although it can be very lucrative, “is not for everyone” because otherwise, “everyone will be doing it”.

I don’t want to give you the false impression that doing business online is easy because it’s not.

Please keep in mind if you’re serious about starting your web/online business make sure to complete the Free Training Lessons.

It’s Free with no strings attached and more significantly the lessons will thoroughly go over all that a newbie or a beginner should and must know.

So, with all that being said, if you’re ready to change your life and start paying yourself the income you deserve based on your hard work, ability, and effort then you’ve come to the right place.

And hence, I’m delighted to introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate.

Once again (Please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.)

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options

First, start by:

  • Signing up for your Free Starter Membership (create your free account).
  • Enter your name or create a user ID and email address which will never be sold off.
  • No credit card will be required and No personal information ever asked.

Once inside Wealthy Affiliate:

  1. Complete your account set-up by following the (Completing Your Account Set-up at WA).
  2. And then begin building Your New Online Business by starting with the 10 Free Training Lessons (Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started Level 1).

Throughout the free lessons, if you ever need help you can get instant help and support from our community 24/7.

We have over a million members in our community living throughout the world and someone will always be more than happy to help.

As a new member, you’ll receive 1 free website, but don’t rush or skip through the lessons just to get to the building your website lesson.

Follow the lessons in order as a whole so you’ll have a thorough understanding of your new online business.

This way, when you complete your free lessons you can make the best decision for yourself without a doubt.

Either choosing to continue and upgrade to a Premium Membership (paid membership), remain as a free starter member, or simply stop altogether.

Once again, online business is not for everyone because otherwise, everyone would be doing it.

Finally, here’s a brief review of the Premium Membership for those who are inquisitive as to what it includes.

The cost for the Premium Membership is $49.00 monthly US dollars or save money by paying $495.00 once a year or annually.

Well worth the money for those aspiring to pursue the online business as a profession on a full-time basis.

Please refer to the comparison of the Free Starter Membership vs Premium Membership for clarity below.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options


You are under no obligation to upgrade to the Premium Membership and please note we don’t force you to do so in any way.

As mentioned, complete the free training lessons FIRST to see if the Online Business is for you because for one reason or another you may just hate it.

For a complete explanation of the free training, what costs are incurred by doing business online, and how the premium membership measures up, click here. 


For additional information about Wealthy Affiliate and the Education, Websites, Hosting, Domains, Community, and Success Stories, Click Here.

I hope my webpage has brought you some assurances, opportunities, and options you can take advantage of in achieving your financial independence and personal goals.

I hope to see you in our community as a new member of Wealthy Affiliate.

Please don’t forget to leave me a comment or a question, I’ll be more than happy to hear from.

As always, Here’s to Your Massive Success.




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