Starting An Online Business [One Stop Destination]

What Should I Know About Starting an Online Business?

I’m sure you’re curious to understand more about starting an online business.

However, Just to make sure why don’t we take a step back and take a moment to see if an online/internet business would have a future?

Certainly, it would be wise since you’re considering a new venture. I’m hoping you agree.

One thing for sure that I promise is all data/information given will be truthful so as not to waste your valuable time.

With that being said, let’s take a moment to review the facts.

Did you know as of 6/30/2022 there are 7,932,791,734 (billion) people living on earth of which 5,385,798,406 (billion) people are using the internet? (Source acquired from

For the past decade, this works out to be an average annual growth of 360,000,000 million new internet users a year, or 11.5 new internet users per second.

To give you an idea allow me to show you how much money this represents for this particular company. Click here to see how much Money this Represents Per Second for Google. 

Just think, Google is only one of many multi-billion dollar companies profiting considerably from the use of the internet.

And with no slowing of the world’s population in the near future, this tremendous online/internet growth should continue its path.

Based on this data, one would figure this could present an exceptionally lucrative opportunity to Make Money Online.

Therefore, an alluring choice for one pursuing to become an Online/Internet Entrepreneur. And of which becoming one’s, “Own Boss”.

Furthermore, since it’s through the internet you realistically have the freedom to work from any place or wherever with just a computer and an internet connection.

But You Say There Are Too Many To Choose From On The Web

However, with such a significant number of various kinds of “How To Start An Online Business” on the web, attempting to offer you everything from, DVD, CD, ebook, website, programs, and believe it or not, even an “equipment”.

Things can get quite confusing.

Circumstances being what they are, Who Can You Trust?

Also, Where Does One Turn To?

Assuredly, before I answer that question, let me simply say “Don’t Believe Everything You Read, Hear, or See online.” Including what I’m writing. Just make sure you “Always Verify Everything”.

Because unfortunately, let me guardedly say, there are countless Scams and Lies online prepared to exploit you and extract cash from you.

Be extremely cautious, because the Scammers and Liars are experts of manipulation and masters of deceit in luring people with bogus promises of SUCCESS.

Furthermore, by accentuating on Getting-Rich-Quick and How Easy it is to make money online they trick you into spending your hard-earned money. If you want to read more in detail on how to avoid scams starting an online business click here.

This leads me to say, from my experience, I have not discovered a DVD, CD, ebook, website, program, or an equipment that THOROUGHLY ensured ALL that a person needs to know thoroughly about starting an internet/online business.

In any case, Why?


To put it plainly, in order to own and operate an online business, you need everything to function properly and that is all the various parts must work together. Like, puzzle pieces fitting into place.

The Make Up of a Website's Components and Costs

Let’s take a look at what’s required as well as the expenses associated with starting an online/internet business. Costs in U.S. dollars.

Now, with these expenses in mind and understanding what goes into operating and owning an online/internet business, you can see there’s no such thing as a free or a simple way to start.

The costs can add up rather swiftly and assembling the pieces required to fit together properly can get extremely complicated.

And once again, I must emphasize, for this reason, such a large number of us fall for these Get-Rich-Quick schemes because they make it sound So Easy.

To that end, I feel obligated to break the bad news to you and inform you that you are NOT going to make money QUICK and EASY no matter how simple anyone makes it sound.

Honestly, if it’s that quick and easy “We All Will Be Doing It” wouldn’t you say?

Again, If you want to read more in detail on how to avoid scams starting an online business click here.

Then who to trust?

Having personally gone through the experience of getting scammed, I could only insist on one most important element you must somehow acquire.

And, that is TRUST which the scammers know how to take full advantage of.

As seen from the list above, unless you know what you’re doing, you’re going to have a very difficult time knowing what to do to make everything work properly.

Especially for the newbies and the beginners, who will have an improbable time getting anything done correctly.

Due to its complicated nature, without having Help, Support, Guidance, and most importantly Trust, all would be nearly impossible to accomplish.

I for one, if, without the Help, Support, Guidance, and Trust from my community, I would have utterly FAILED in ever starting my online business.

Once again, I can’t stress enough it’s crucial for you to understand, that what I’m about to introduce to you is not a Get-Rich-Quick scheme. There is nothing Quick or Easy about making money online.

Please be advised, for many of you, it could take months and perhaps a year before you realize any monetary return.

Nevertheless, how fast you make money is an individual thing. It’s all dependent on how promptly you learn, apply/take action, and by making sure to ask questions to receive the help you need to properly direct your business in the right direction.

Frankly, it’s up to you to make it happen and ultimately your actions will represent how much you’ll compensate yourself for your hard work and effort.

However, one thing I do promise is that you’ll not be alone and you’ll receive all the help and support from over a million of our members throughout the world.

We are going to be there for you 24/7/365 because someone is always awake to help in our community.

So, if you’re ready to get started the legitimate way, from the very start, with the most Trusted community then this is the right place for you.

Therefore, with much of my time invested and a considerable degree of trials and errors, I’m happy to say I’ve found the true source.

Thus, I’m most pleased to introduce to you Wealthy Affiliate.

(Please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.)

Through Wealthy Affiliate, you can collect all the scattered pieces and effectively fit them correctly into place and in the appropriate order.

One Place, One Location to realize every one of the elements needed to Start Your Online Business.

Just think of Wealthy Affiliate as your One-Stop Destination.

Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership

To open with, here’s what you can expect from our Free Starter Membership:

  • Up-to-date and current Video, Tutorial, Courses, and Training Lessons (Step-by-Step) – Putting The Pieces Together.
  •  Instant Help and Support.
  • 1 Free Website (Yours to keep)
  • Affiliate Program
  • Web Backup
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Free Starter Membership as long as you want.
  • All without EVER using your Credit Card.
  • We ask for No Personal Information

Begin by Learning How to properly Start Your Own Online Business with the 10 Free Training Lessons. It’s designed to guide you step-by-step.

You’re in control of learning at your pace, how quickly or how slowly is dependent on you.

Toward the end of your free lessons, you will have the understanding and knowledge of how to make money online.

Wealthy Affiliate 10 Free Training Lessons

(Please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.)  

By the time you complete your free starter membership lessons, you’ll have a clear perception of what to do next. Either to remain as a Free Starter Member with no time limit as long as you want or upgrade to become a Premium Member, although, at a cost.

In the event, that you want to pursue the online/internet more seriously as a career or on a full-time basis, you can upgrade from the Starter Membership to the Premium Membership for $49/month.

Once again, that’s IF you want to upgrade.


For those who want to take it to the next level here’s what you’ll receive for your Premium Membership.

See below for a comparison of Starter Membership vs Premium Membership.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options


Now, let’s examine how many of the components of our Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership are included in the list above.

Once again, make a note that everyone doing business online incurs these costs regardless of who you are.

Components Included and Not Included with Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership

As should be obvious most of the required components are included in our Premium Membership.

Those of you, upgrading will experience an enormous advantage for becoming a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate.

For additional information about Wealthy Affiliate and the Education, Websites, Hosting, Domains, Community, and Success Stories, Click Here.

One final time, It’s imperative for you to understand, that this is not a Get-Rich-Quick scheme and much of your time and effort are needed.

The more time you invest in learning, applying, and asking questions when you need help, you’ll be that much closer to reaching your Financial Independence.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started and Start Doing by Learning How to Start Your Own Online Business. And work from any place or wherever with just a PC and an internet connection.

Click on the banners above to get started for Free with Wealthy Affiliate.

Take your first and best step to Learn How To Become An Online/Internet Entrepreneur and Become Your Own Boss.

I want to thank you for your time. Also, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a question. I’ll be more than happy to hear from you.

You could likewise get in contact with me through Wealthy Affiliate. (here is a link to my profile)

I’m looking forward to seeing you around in our Wealthy Affiliate community as a new member.

Here’s to your Massive Success.



56 thoughts on “Starting An Online Business [One Stop Destination]

    • Hello, Jonathan. I want to thank you for your comment. Start with the training lessons which will guide you step-by-step and explain all you need to know about making money online. Much success.


  1. Hello Jason,

    Hope your doing fine, i just wanted to comment that in some countries its not a free starter …you have to pass to the premium . anyways thanks for the explanation.

    • Hello Ilyas Asab,

      Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, there are countries as I have listed, where Wealthy Affiliate only offers the Premium Membership and not the Free Starter Membership. But, from time to time changes are made and possibly in the future things may change where Free Membership may again be offered where you live. I want to thank you for patience.


    • Hello Rana Wasal Ali,

      I’m glad to hear you have. Start with the training lessons to work toward achieving your goals. If you need help don’t hesitate to ask.


  2. Hello Sir Thank For Your explaining I Am Trying To Many Online Business I Only Loss My Mony I am Afraid To Spend Money Can You Help Me I am From Sri Lanka

    • Hello Mary, and thank you for your reply.

      To explain things simply, you start by 1) Choosing an interest. 2)
      Building a Website. 3) Attracting Visitors. 4) Earn Revenue.

      Start by setting up your free Starter Membership and as I have explained on my page, go through the free 10 lessons.

      As you complete your free training lessons, you’ll be the best judge to see if you want to continue pursuing your Online Business or not.

      Here is the link to sign up for the free Starter Membership.


    • Hello Anthony,

      Well, all you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started with your online business. Go through our free training lessons which will cover all that a new member should know. After the free training, you’ll have a better understanding of deciding which direction you can take.

      Keep in mind, you’re not restricted to Turkey, you have access to the world. If you have not already set up your free Starter Membership here is the link

      I hope to see you around.


    • Hello Caleehya Ellington,

      As I mentioned, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. But if you put in the time and learn from the training lessons you’ll be well positioned to see results. Keep in mind, depending on your effort it can take months before you realize any money. It’s up to you. If interested here the link for you to sign up for your free starter account

      If you have any other question don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be more than happy to answer any of your questions.


    • Hello Bushdav,

      You’re in control of the outcome of how you want your future to be. Take advantage of our free training lessons you will be surprised how it can have a great influence on your life. Much success.


    • Hello Buddika,

      Welcome, I see you’ve joined and become a new member of our community. I wish you much success in your new online business journey.

      Don’t hesitate to ask for help when in need.


  3. To whom it may concern,

    I really want to start doing business online and earn money, any guidelines and directions?


    • Hello Loviejoy Cauilan,

      I see you’ve become a new member of our community. I want to welcome you on your new online business endeavor. Be sure to learn, apply and always ask questions.

      Here’s to your massive success.

    • Welcome, Oladayo,

      I see you’ve joined and become a starter member with Wealthy Affiliate. I wish you much success in your new online business endeavor.

      Much success,

    • Hello Kelly,

      I see that you’ve established an account as a starter member with Wealthy Affiliate and let me be the first to welcome you. Wish you much success in your new online business venture.


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