How Do I Make Sense Of The Starting Online Business Checklist
If you’re a newbie/beginner or so-called “Dummy” when it comes to the online/internet/web world as I was when I first got started, I can completely relate to your curiosity and as well as your concerns.
On that ground, in order to make the learning curve be a bit easier to follow along, I’ve used the traditional or brick and mortar business model to serve to simplify the learning process.
However, please be advised the method implied applies to the U.S. and could very well differ depending on the particular country you reside in. Seek legal counsel for the proper procedure as related to your area.
On that note, I hope you’re eager to get started on acquiring the knowledge of starting an online business of your own and I’m most pleased I could assist you on your new journey.
So, to start, let’s see what is required in initiating a traditional or brick and mortar business.
The beginning phase of originating any business is first to identify what kind of business you envision to start.
To accomplish this, begin by exploring the experiences you have i.e. from hobbies, pursuits, dreams, desire, passion, knowledge, encounters, etc.
Then narrow down your choices.
1) To what kind/type of business you want to establish.
After determining the type of business then.,
2) Select the area or location for the business.
This is achieved by analyzing the makeup and the demographics of the area.
When performed properly will greatly assist in determining the suitability of the business.
Once defined.,
3) Proceed to the structure of the property, the facade or the storefront.
Where should it be located on the street?
Should it be towards the middle or on the corners of the street?
Is there anything obstructing the view to the facade like a tree for example or maybe due to the nature of the business it does not matter at all.
In the wake of settling on the area and the retail facade.,
4) Decide on a name for your business.
There are too many opinions on the web on what and how to name a business for you to refer to.
I am not trying to make this about “how and what to name your business”, so for now, let’s apply our common sense.
Don’t name a business “Spa” and when people show up you tell them it’s a “Dog Spa”.
However, most importantly make sure the business name you’ve selected can be recorded or registered with the county clerk.
Make sure that the chosen name for your business is not already being used and trademark protected by another party or someone else.
Having said that, now it’s time for,
5) The business sign, which recognizes, portrays and uncovers the nature of your business.
The first visible impression your street customers will have on your business and careful thought should be considered.
Now, beforehand, amid or following the business sign, you need to prepare for,
6) Supplying the business with goods and services.
To keep things simple, I’m going to be leaving out,
7) Interior construction, hiring employees, deciding to lease or mortgage, the setting up (business bank account, credit card, credit card machines and or payment method), acquiring (property, casualty and liability insurance), as well as equipment purchase or leases, utilities, maintenance, etc.
Finally, a quick rundown of the process.
- Kind of Business
- Area/Location
- Property (Storefront)
- Business Name: Registering and Trademarking
- Business Sign
- Goods and Services
- Misc.
Nevertheless, remember, everything is insignificant without the spirit of a prosperous business which are the patrons, customers, and buyers.
All things considered, more or less, this speaks to what we basically view as when alluding to a traditional physical storefront business.
I hope it proved to be straightforward to follow along and provided a clearer picture and idea.
Let’s now continue to see how alike or interchangeable the traditional business is compared to the online/web business.
Nonetheless, here are the steps to starting an online/web business.
Step 1: Determining the nature of the business.
Prior to launching an online/web business, you need likewise recognize the type of online/web business you’re looking to build.
Moreover, again by utilizing your experiences i.e. hobbies, pursuits, dreams, desire, passion, knowledge, encounters, etc., to aid you in narrowing down to the preferred business.
Refer to the list below to get an idea of some of the many ways to do business online.
- With an online/web business, you could offer or sell your goods and services or somebody else’s (Affiliate Marketing) goods and services.
- You could review or write about everything without exception to what you love, hate, care, support, reject, and believe, just naming a few and get paid. (Blogger)
- You could video most recordings of something that you love, hate, care, support, reject, and believe, and so forth., and get paid. (YouTube)
- You could teach individuals about something that you love, hate, care, support, reject, and believe, and so forth., and get paid. (Webinar)
Just a few ways noted above for you to get your creative juices flowing.
Be sure to expand on by examining more possibilities by utilizing the internet to broaden your imagination.
For now, before continuing, to keep things simple the IP (Internet Protocol) address and URL (Uniform Resource Locator) I’m not going to review.
This is not a must for the purpose of what we are trying to accomplish. However, the information is readily available on the web just search IP (Internet Protocol) and URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
In the wake of selecting the acceptable online/web business next comes,
Step 2: Domain Name: Registering the name and the address for the business.
Unlike the traditional business where the name of a business is not a make or break the solvency of the business.
Yet, the business to name your web/online business can have a significant influence on the outcome of the business in the early stages.
But first, let’s review the similarities and to start, both must meet the qualification for registration, in other words, the business name needs to be free from being claimed by others.
As already addressed above regarding the traditional business, for the online/web business, you register by acquiring a “Domain Name”.
The domain name will resemble something like this ( or (
The way you acquire or purchase a domain name for your website/online business is through the Registrar (Godaddy, Siterubix, etc.).
The registrar will automatically register your domain name at the time of purchase.
In case if the domain name is unavailable you would be informed in seconds at the time of purchase.
After your purchase of the domain name, it now represents your online business/website’s name as well as the address for your new business.
You are now the owner of that Domain Name and now confirmed the registration of the business, business name, and business address.
Step 3: Website (in traditional business terms the Storefront).
As we’re well aware it is unavoidable not to see storefront facades each and every day while we are out either strolling or driving.
The storefront facades, the display windows, shop windows and store windows with its many clashing yet one of a kind, unique and personable.
Essentially when you complete your website it ought to embody a retail facade exceptionally proficient and very welcoming.
Once you, introduce a visitor to your site you want to make the best impression.
Because unlike the traditional business where everyone on the street can recognize, your website’s traffic, on the other hand, is generated differently.
More on generating traffic for your website to follow.
Once again, through the linking of your Domain Name to your website/online business, you now have a storefront (website), business name and business address all included in entirety as one.
Now you need to fill your store and generate visitors or traffic to your new business (website).
A quick summary of the steps completed before continuing.
- Kind of Web/Online Business
- Domain Name: Registering Business Name and Address
- Website (storefront)
Step 4: The Business Sign (SERP: Search Engine Results Page)
If we were to prioritize which would be one of the most important elements for generating customers to a business, the sign will emerge high on the list.
If a traditional business had no sign, in all likelihood very few or zero customers would walk in from the street.
It’s easy to understand how a sign plays a major role in a traditional business but how does it apply to a website/online business.
Unlike a sign for a traditional business, the sign for a website/online business looks unalike.
The sign for a website/online business, as I’m sure you have already encountered endless times when searching on the web.
However, dissimilar to the traditional business, the online business would reveal as a compressed, shortened snippet of your content, see below.
As by now, you may have realized the term “sign” is not the proper name used in the online world and the correct term understood on the world wide web is referred to as the “SERP” Search Engine Results Page.
During any search when a keyword, keywords or keyword phrase are entered all related or more accurately relevant results are listed as SERPs. And as shown above, it appears as a concise and abbreviated snippet.
These SERPs you see are a mix of paid advertisements on top, bottom, and sometimes on the right side of your screen, and the “Organic Search Results” or free SERPs in the middle or in between.
The Organic Search Results or free SERPs total 10 per page. Starting with page 1 and usually ending on page 30 to keep the SERPs relevant when using Google search.
You have the choice to include other nonrelevant results to extend onto additional pages.
Nevertheless, some results have more pages and some fewer pages depending on the keyword/phrase you’ve entered.
So, the sign aka SERP in online terms is the key to creating traffic to your website.
You have the choice to pay for your SERP to appear in advertisement form as mentioned above or naturally have your SERP rank as free Organic Search Results.
Here’s more on how to find keywords for a website.
Step 5: Goods and Services
At long last, the business is waiting to be supplied with its goods and services and to use the proper terminology for the website/online business that would be your web “content”.
Different from the traditional business where you stock and supply the business with goods and services, yet with the website, your inventory would be the content.
Web content is the web post(s) and web page(s), the text or the written words and the media (images, sound, and video).
As described above of the many ways for you to conduct business from the utilization of a website, you would now create your content through the post(s), page(s), and media.
Once created the content would be published for all the web surfers and searchers could have access to your content.
Provided 1) your website and content are indexed and ranked, as well as, 2) the relevant keyword/keywords/phrase is searched and entered for your 3) SERP snippet to show or get an impression and hopefully, 4) your snippet receives a click.
One last thing to conclude with and that would be how your web content would be stored.
With a website/online business the content can only be stored through a hosting company.
So, whenever you would need to update or add new content it’s done through your website but stored with the hosting company.
Think of it as not having your computer’s hard drive being a part of your computer.
And, the only way to store, retrieve and update anything would be via the internet to the hosting company.
Same said for the visitors when they click on your snippet to visit your website the content is then retrieved from the hosting company and onto your website.
Once you have your website up and running, you need now to cultivate and develop your online business.
By continuously focusing on your website by adding new and improving on your existing post(s), page(s), and media, in short, your content(s).
Let’s summarize one final time.
- Select the nature of the website/online business: market yours, market others, write, blog, teach, video, etc.
- Domain Name (business name and address all in one): Purchase through a registrar.
- Website: The final stop for your visitors, a good impression a must.
- SERP: (Search Engine Results Page) Obtaining the best ranking and creating traffic or visitors to your website.
- Content: posts, pages, and media. (your goods and services for your website)
I hope the information I’ve provided will serve as a Starting Online Business Checklist to assist you with your new online business venture and lead to fulfilling your financial goals.
In conclusion, if you are interested in a Step by Step Free Training Lessons showing you how to begin building Your Own Online Business then continue reading below and learn how.
But first, (Please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.)
First, here’s the outline of the Free Starter Membership Training Lessons.

During your Free Lessons, your website will become live on the world wide web ready to generate visitors and traffic to your website.
By the end and completion of your free lessons, you’ll have a good idea and be prepared for how you’ll be earning income from your website.
Here’s what more you’ll receive from your Free Starter Membership:
- Free Starter Membership (excludes countries listed above)
- Video, Tutorial, and Courses
- One (1) Free Websites
- Help and Support from WA and our community
Here’s what we Don’t Ask For or Do:
- No Credit Card required
- No Personal Information
- Your Email NEVER Sold Off or Shared (Kept Private)
However, please keep in mind, our Free Training Lessons are NOT a GET-RICH-QUICK scheme.
You would need to put in your time, do the tasks, learn and study, get involved, and always ask questions to me or WA’s million-strong members when you need help.
I need for you to understand, it’s “Not” as easy as to simply set up your website(s), and all of a sudden you get hundreds or thousands of visitors to your website.
Believe me when I say “It Just Don’t Work That Ways” and if you’re expecting a “Quick Result” in days, weeks, or even months you’ll be “Very Disappointed”.
Unless you have hundreds or thousands of dollars a month to invest in advertising your website or your web content of which there are “No Guarantees”, so don’t be surprised if you don’t make money right away.
I cannot emphasize this enough and once again, please keep in mind, because I don’t want you to fall victim to scams which promises you’ll make money instantaneously.
I’ve been working online for many years now and whenever anyone promises you’ll make money quick and easy, they always turn out to be scams.
Again, I say there’s nothing quick and easy and that’s including what’s being offered here.
Having said that, if you’re interested in learning how the proper way to start your website/online business legitimately then click on the “Banner” above to get started on your new online business venture.
Finally, for those who are curious to know as to what happens after the free lessons, you have the option to upgrade to the Premium Membership.
We don’t force you to upgrade nor do we take away the free websites.
However, for those wanting to continue and pursue the online business on a full-time basis then the upgrade is a must.
To give you an idea see below which lists all costs associated with owning and operating a website/online business.
Costs in US dollars.
The costs listed above apply to all individuals, small, large, or multi-billion dollar companies, and one way or the other is incurred internally or externally (outsourced).
As a Premium Member, you’ll be pleased to know that most of the required components are included at a modest cost of $49.00 per month.
However, if you can afford, save more by paying $495.00 once a year which works out to $41.25 per month.
Before giving you a complete break down what’s included in our Premium Membership, refer to our Free Starter Member vs Premium Member comparison below.
Keep in mind, you don’t have to become a Premium Member and remain a Free Starter Member forever if you wish.
However, it would be a great idea to go through our free training lessons to make sure if having your own online business would be for you.
You may just hate what is involved to be an online business owner. So, what’s better than learning for free through our free training to find out exactly what you will be doing.
If you happen to like what it entails to be an online business owner from our free training by not having to spend your money upfront, then and only then you can decide to upgrade to the Premium Membership.
Having said that, see below all that is included in our Premium Membership.
This concludes the starting online business checklist and I hope you’ve found this to be informative on your possible new pursuit.
I want to thank you for sharing your time with me and don’t forget to leave me a comment or a question. I’ll be more than happy to hear from you.
I hope to see you around in our community and looking forward to helping you with your new online business endeavor.