Getting Started Online [What To Do First]



Have you ever wondered about what would it be like to own your own website/online/internet business?

Well, I sure have.

I remember how excited I was back in June of 2015 when I realized the fact that three billion people were using the internet.

After being woken up to the data I couldn’t wait to get started building my own website as soon as possible.

Eye-Opening Opportunity

To be more specific back then in June of 2015 there were 7,383,008,820 billion people on earth and of which 3,185,996,155 billion people were using the internet.

However, not surprisingly most recent figures as of 6/30/2022, shows there are 5,385,798,406 billion people that are using the internet out of the 7,932,791,734 billion total world population. (Source acquired from

Can you believe that is more than half of the entire world’s population?

Furthermore, to add to the good news, there seems to be no indication of this huge growth slowing any time in the near future.

As a result of this tremendous internet growth, many have enjoyed profits and that’s including the Top Earning Websites.

Let’s take a look at how the Top Earning Websites have benefited.

Data as of the year ending 2018.

  • – Annual Revenue: $34 billion or $1084 per second
  • – Annual Revenue: $29  billion or $929 per second
  • – Annual Revenue: $9 billion or $290 per second
  • – Annual Revenue: $6  billion or $200 per second

I could go on and on by listing all the remaining top 20 companies but let me stop here.

You could look up the rest by searching “20 Websites Making The Most Money” on your own.

Once again, as I’ve mentioned when I came to the awareness of this fact.

I thought to myself if I only had my own website how lucrative this opportunity would present me to Make Money Online.

A legitimate and realistic prospect of becoming an Online/Internet Entrepreneur and finally becoming my Own Boss.

This will allow me the freedom to work from any place or anywhere with only a PC and an internet connection.

Factual Awakening

Waking up to this fact I grew eager to absorb everything I could learn about the online/internet business.

So, who or what that mentioned the word “Online or Internet Business” I had to investigate.

However, at first, due to my enthusiasm, I assumed it would be easy getting started online.

And by the time I believed I’d finished analyzing all the information that was out there, I realized it was only the beginning.

The more I studied, there was still more to uncover.

Because as you’re well aware there is no lack of information on the web since everyone has something to say online.

Starting with the big companies like eBay and Amazon who are and will always be vocal and present in the online business seen.

Then followed by the smaller online/internet companies and lastly, we can’t forget about the Individuals who are as committed to the online/internet business as well.

They all sounded “Great”!

Nonetheless, by the time I weighed out all that they had to say, I became apprehensive.

I’ve discovered due to their bias, the data I was collecting always lacked the information to make it COMPLETE.

What’s more, in the end, when I thought I gathered all the pieces from my research the PIECES were SCATTERED all over the place.

Scattered Puzzle PiecesRudely Awoken

Overwhelmed, I didn’t know what to do because I couldn’t find any reliable source to help me put the pieces together.

I was surprised to discover, how all the big companies, small companies, and the individuals I was relying on for answers just talked about the pieces.

No one offered structured training explaining the proper steps.

Of which, first, “how to set up a website”,

followed by, “how to get the website operating, running, and live on the worldwide web”,

and then finally, “how to maintain and grow the online/internet business”.

So, I earnestly searched for a legitimate source that could educate me in thoroughly aiding and guiding me through completing these steps.

I eagerly hoped to find simple, clear, step-by-step, and easy-to-understand training lessons for anyone to follow along.

A system that would allow me the freedom to choose who I want to do business with rather than being tied down to just one company.

Would it be with eBay, Amazon, or Target, or sell my own product (if I had one), or even make money from my ideas, hobbies, love, passion, knowledge, experience, opinions, advice, and so on.

Or even better yet, if I can TO DO IT ALL.



So, in search of this perfect source I’ve come across numerous internet/online business-related programs, products, and services.

Yet, with such a large number of various sorts on “How To Start An Online Business” from the web, attempting to sell you everything from, DVD, CD, ebook, website, program, and believe it or not, even an “equipment”.

Things can get exceptionally confusing.

Therefore, Who Can You Trust?

And, Where Does One Turn To?

The Scammers and Liars are always looming about and everywhere you turn they’re there.

They’re experts of manipulation and masters of misleading in baiting people with bogus promises of “SUCCESS”.

Their operation is to make everything sound “Easy” and “Great” by emphasizing “Getting-Rich-Quick”.

And, when you fall into their trap, you’re hit with hidden fees, upsells, private coaching, mentoring, and whatever else they could think of charging you.

On top of all that, they’ll frustrate you by making it very difficult or impossible to get your money back when you try to cancel.

And to make matters worse, even if you’re successful in getting your money back, you’ll realize the time that was spent following up is lost which is worth more than the refund you got back.

The only thing QUICK about these Scammers and Liars is How Quickly they take your Money.

I’ve personally had my share of falling for these Scams and Lies when I was hopelessly and desperately searching for a trustworthy source.

Every time I went through these encounters, I lost more hope of ever realizing my online business.

Consequently, for this reason, I absolutely can identify with those of you who went through a similar experience. And painfully feel for those who experienced even worse.

For more on my experience with Avoiding Scams and dealing with information overload click here.

It’s unfortunate there is No End to Dishonesty, Scams, and Unethical behavior in business and especially, more so ONLINE.

This leads me to say, from my experience I have NOT Found a DVD, CD, ebook, website, program, or an equipment that thoroughly covered all the steps I wanted and needed to know about, from starting to sustaining an online/internet business until I eventually located the source.




Once more, WHY?

Because, to put it plainly, in order to operate, run and own an online/internet/web business, you need many different pieces serving different functions properly working together.

Like a jigsaw puzzle piece fitting into place.

Here are what’s needed and the costs associated with an online/internet business. Costs in U.S. dollars.The Make Up of a Website's Components and Costs

As should be obvious in order to operate, run and own an online/internet/web business there’s no simple method to start.

The costs can add up rather quickly and assembling the pieces required to fit together properly can get extremely COMPLICATED.

For this reason, Trust, Help, Support, and Guidance from the right people, or more accurately Like-Minded people is crucial to the success of any online/internet business.

For one, have I had not discovered this group of Like-Minded people, I could not have started my online business correctly.

These people or should I say community, living throughout the world were willing to Help and Support me 24/7/365 with all the resources and tools that were available to make everything happen.

This community was truly a One-Stop-Shop.

Having the tools and the resources I was able to link together all the scattered pieces and have them fit together to work properly from This One Location.

As I have mentioned above for these reasons there is “NO” (1) “ONE” DVD, CD, ebook, website, program, or an equipment that can completely fulfill all that is required to thoroughly make everything happen.

So in order to fully satisfy all needs totally, you need a One-Stop-Shop that you can truly Trust and from One Legitimate Source/One Location.

Otherwise, you’ll risk a high chance of falling victim to the Scammers and Liars and their Get-Rich-Quick Schemes.

Be aware because they are ready to take advantage of you by confusing you into paying for every little thing that you don’t understand and need.

Believe me, no one gets anything quick and easy which the Scammers and Liars want you to believe.

The only true means to success is by putting in the time and effort honestly and receiving the help honestly.

Don’t fall into their trap.

Remember, I’ve paid my dues so you don’t have to. Let my experience be of benefit to you.



Again, with so many different types of “How To Start An Online Business” out there.

Where does one turn to?

Let my experience be of benefit to you and save you the hassle of dealing with Scammers and Liars.

So, without wasting any more of your time.

With much of my time invested and a lot of trial and error.

I’m happy to say I’ve found the legitimate source.

And with no more delay, I’m most gratified to introduce to you Wealthy Affiliate.

(Please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.) 

Through Wealthy Affiliate assembling all the pieces to fit together properly from ONE PLACE and ONE LOCATION is a reality.

Just think of Wealthy Affiliate as your ONE STOP DESTINATION.

Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership

One Final STOP to take care of all your needs to start and complete your online business.

First, here’s what is offered to you when you become a Free Starter Member:

  • Up-to-date and current Video, Tutorial, Courses, and Training Lessons (Step-by-Step) – Putting The Pieces Together.
  •  Instant Help and Support.
  • 1 Free Website (Yours to keep)
  • Affiliate Program
  • Web Backup
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Free Starter Membership (as long as you want)
  • All without EVER using your Credit Card.
  • Absolutely we ask for NO Personal Information
  • Your Email address will never be sold off

You start with the 10 Free Training Lessons.

These free lessons include what a new member must know not only about starting an online business but how to build, create, and manage an online business.

Taught Step-by-Step to get your website ready to Earn Money Online.

Learn at your pace, how quickly or how slowly is up to you. You control the pace.

Wealthy Affiliate 10 Free Training Lessons

(Please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.) 

Once you complete your free training lessons, you’ll have a clearer understanding of deciding whether to remain as a Free Strater Member or upgrade to a Premium Membership, but I note, for a cost.

Those who are serious about taking it to the next level can upgrade from the Free Starter Membership to the Premium Membership for $49/month.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options

In Summary here’s what you can expect from Wealthy Affiliate.

  • Getting help and live help.
  • Private coaching and messaging.
  • You can contact the Owners.
  • Live Chat
  • Step-by-Step training.
  • Live classes
  • Free website included.
  • Website security and backup.
  • Web hosting included.
  • Personal affiliate blog.
  • 24/7/365 Website support.
  • Website feedback and comment platform.
  • Website analysis
  • Offers a domain platform.
  • You can try for free (exclusions apply)
  • Keyword research tool included.
  • An affiliate program with WA.

I want to remind you, that this is NOT a Get-Rich-Quick operation and you would need to invest your Time and put in the Effort.

For additional information about Wealthy Affiliate and the Education, Websites, Hosting, Domains, Community, and Success Stories, Click Here.

So, what are you waiting for?

Because getting your online/internet business started, up, running, and live has never been this simple and reliable from the one source that can be Trusted.

Get started and learn how to once and for all start your OWN online/internet business.

If you haven’t already clicked on the banners above go ahead and start for Free with Wealthy Affiliate.

You’re in charge, so take the first step to determine how to become an Online/Internet Entrepreneur and Become Your Own Boss.

I want to thank you for the time you have shared with me and don’t forget to leave me a comment or a question. I’ll be more than happy to hear from you.

You could also get in contact with me through Wealthy Affiliate. (here is a link to my profile)

I’m looking forward to seeing you around in our community as a new member.

Here’s To Your Massive Success.




59 thoughts on “Getting Started Online [What To Do First]

    • Hello Cindy, thank you for your reply. I’ve been doing this for almost a year. To be honest with you, it’s not a get rich quick program. It all depends on the individual how quickly they want to learn and apply what they’ve learned. People that have a product or service to promote can see profit quickly but for most of us we don’t have a product or service to promote right away and for this reason, it can take time. With the online business you can get paid by selling your products or services, major companies products and services or even get paid from others advertising on your site, just to name a few. When you go through the free training you’ll understand the broader picture of the online business and which approach is the best for you.

        • Hello Cristene,

          I want to thank you for you for your reply. But I need to emphasize our program is not a get-rich-quick scheme and much of your time is needed to see results. Most people going through our training lessons do not see monetary return or money until months later and very few see results in weeks.

          It’s up to the individual to learn, apply and utilize the skills learned from our training lessons. So, if you’re ready to learn, here’s the link for you to join our community for free and start your free starter membership.

          I hope to see you around.


  1. My country (Ghana) is not part of the non free starters yet I am asked to pay premium. Please any explanation to that effect?

    • Hello Kwame Adjei Osei,

      Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I was not aware people living in Ghana do not qualify for Free Starter Membership. Please allow me to verify with Wealthy Affiliate to find a solution. I thank you very much for your patience.


    • Hello Kwame Adjei Osei,

      Thank you, for your patience and for bringing to my attention of Ghana not qualifying for Free Starter Membership. Unfortunately, I was just informed Ghana was included on the list for countries Wealthy Affiliate no longer offering Free Starter Membership and only paid or Premium Membership will be offered. From time to time changes are made and possibly in the future things may change where Free Membership may again be offered to Ghana. But for now no consideration will be made. I will update my website to reflect these changes immediately and once again, I want to thank you for patience .


    • Hello Mammoos fruits and vegetables import and export,

      First, follow the training lessons as outlined step-by-step and how difficult it may be, don’t skip or jump from one lesson to the other.

      Make sure to always ask questions if in need as you complete each lesson and don’t go ahead of yourself.

      Keep in mind the training lessons are designed to answer most, if not, all of your questions. And, whatever is unanswered you can count on our community to take care of the rest.

      Here’s is the link to start your training lessons
      Wish you much success in your new online business venture.


    • Hello Dwayne,

      I see you’ve already established the Free starter membership with us. Start by following the training lessons which will guide you step-by-step in starting your online business. I wish you much success.


  2. Hi I want to ask you about this…
    Please note, for MOST of the locations in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, India, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam. There is only the Premium Membership and NO FREE Starter Membership.) is
    What is that?!

    • Hello Sara,

      I see you’ve already established the Free starter membership with us. Begin by following the training lessons which will guide you step-by-step in starting your online business.

      To answer your question, the countries listed above Do Not qualify for Free Starter Membership. But in rare cases, like you for insistence, possibly do to your specific location, I do see Free Starter Account being established every now and then. Simply speaking, we just don’t know if people from the listed countries will qualify for a Free Starter Account unless they try.

      I want to thank you for your question and wish you much success in your new online business venture.


  3. Hi my name is Mark Jenkins. I’m interested to start my own online business, can someone contact me with more information.

    • Hello Mark Jenkins,

      First, I want to thank you for your reply.

      As explained above you could get started by establishing your Free Starters Membership and go through our Free Training Lessons. The Training Lessons will go over everything a new member should know. When you complete the lessons you’ll know clearly if you want to continue or not.

      If you have a specific question you in mind, please ask, I’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.

      For now, if you’re interested here the link to join

      Looking forward to seeing you around.


    • Hello Amin Saleh,

      I want to thank you for your reply. At the present time English is the primary language that I offer but there’s no restriction on what other language you may employ. If you’re interested in using other than English for your Online Business than you may do so. But all training lessons are in English.


    • Hello Pakamapakama,

      I want to thank you for your reply. You can use your Samsung z4 to get started on your training lessons. Let me know if you run into any problems.


  4. What´s the difference between you and SFM (Stuart Ross and Jay)? Do you have direct Contact with Chinese export companies?

    • Hello Tawanda Vangararai,

      First of all, I want to thank you for your reply. To be honest with you, I don’t know much about SFM. Correct me if I’m wrong from what I’m gathering I believe SFM is an abbreviation for (Six Figure Mentors) Am I correct?

      Simply put, from the reviews I’ve read people believe SFM is a scheme. However, don’t take my word for it but do your own due diligence.

      As for, do Wealthy Affiliate have direct contact with Chinese export companies. The answer would be no. Wealthy Affiliate is a community of like-minded people helping and supporting each other along with the co-founders Kyle and Carson.

      Wealthy Affiliate will provide the training, coaching and /or mentoring if in need where then you will utilize the technique, skill, and knowledge and do for yourself. In other words, do for your own online business.

      Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.

      Hope to see you around in our community.

    • Hello Nada, and welcome. I see you’ve set up a starter membership with Wealthy Affiliate. Much success in your new online business venture.


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