How To Become An Affiliate Marketer [Beginners & Newbies]

How to Become an Affiliate Marketer What’s All the Hype About

Did you know every time we use our computers, tablets, or smartphones to search the world wide web, as result, someone is making money from your search?

For example, Google’s revenue for the Fiscal Year 2021 was $256,740,000,000.00 billion dollars or $8141.17 per second.

And to think, this represents just one Web/Internet-related company out of hundreds that at least earn over a billion a year.

So, when I finally woke up to comprehend the enormous potential of making money online I couldn’t contain my speculation.


Because, out of 7,932,791,734 billion people on earth as of 6/30/2022, there are 5,385,798,406 billion using the internet. (Source acquired from

And you know what? The good news is that the outlook for the near future shows no slowing in sight.

Therefore, with so many people using the internet to buy and sell all forms of goods, services, and more, 

How Could We Get A Piece Of The Pie?

And, Where Does One Start? 

I, for one as I recall, without having a clue of what to do, dove in headfirst into the world wide web with no reservations whatsoever.

However, as a result, I’ve discovered, that what seemed so easy was mass chaos in disguise.

The search for a valid Affiliate Marketing Program or in short Affiliate Program was not the problem (more detail on Affiliate Program below).

Nonetheless, the difficulty involved in getting an Online Business or Website operational and running for free or at the very worse for the fairest or cheapest cost was the challenge.

The most important point I want to inform all newbies and beginners who are possibly considering pursuing Affiliate Marketing is to understand first what is involved in implementing an Affiliate Marketing Program.

In short, most information and data on the web fail to notify newbies and beginners of what is needed which is a Website, Domain Name, and Hosting just to get started. I will be more thorough as we continue.

Where Does It All Begin

So, let me pick up where I left off, I was completely new to the Online Business and Affiliate Marketing world.

I had no clue whatsoever and had no idea where to start.

Therefore, assuming that the major online/internet companies will have all the answers to all of my questions, I started with them first.

Sadly to say, what I’ve acquired was very little from the major online/internet companies. Though instead, what key information I did learn initially came from third-party links I’ve clicked on.

I thought, at the time, these third-party/parties were employees who were representing the major online/internet company through their links.

I was convinced the videos I was watching and the contents I was reading came directly from the major online retailer themselves.

However the more I watched and the more I read, I realized these third parties represented themselves and not the major companies.

I soon then realized that the major online/internet companies offered only Affiliate Programs.

And, failed to reveal they did not provide the basic training on how to get a website up, running, and ready for the Affiliate Program.

In short, what good is the Affiliate Program when I don’t even have a Website to promote it?

What Do I Do Now

As a newbie, I needed to primarily learn the basics though unfortunately, most of the countless data-filled searches led me nowhere. And what information I was able to decipher and gather, only led me to more confusion and frustration.

As a result, I was overwhelmed by the endless sea of information that I couldn’t properly piece together to make real sense.

This made me grow discouraged in an attempt to find a simple and clear-cut method that could guide me step-by-step from beginning to end.

I kept hoping for someone or something that could steer me through the stages from the basics and then on to the advanced.

In addition to attaining the right source, to add to my hurdles, I thought it would be realistic to find the needed information for free or at the very least cost me as little as possible.

Yet again, search after search in quest of my wish list led and left me more perplexed and engulfed me with too much data with more unanswered questions.

Warning! If It Sounds Too Good To Be True Chances Are It’s A Lie

A brief word of caution.

Bewildered and disappointed in the pursuit of uncovering the right source, I was flooded with too much data.

I soon found myself getting desperate for results which led me to let my guards down. Then before I know it I found myself falling victim to Scammers and Liars.

These deceivers lured me with promises of SUCCESS of becoming an Affiliate Marketer, Internet Entrepreneur, Making Money Online,  Make Money Working From or At Home, etc…

The next thing I knew they tricked and hooked me with their assurances of Getting-Rich-Quick. Furthermore, as a consequence, I lost all my sense of direction unknowingly finding myself fully committed by this point.

These Scammers were and still, today are professionals and experts in the trade of scamming and lying.

As mentioned by this time they had me under their control and I became their live easy bait.

Knowing they had me under their command, immediately, all the promises, agreements, and commitments they insured me were no longer honored and quickly forgotten as if it did not exist.

With no mercy, now these Swindlers try to charge me for everything, including the simple questions I would ask.

Thereon followed the hidden fees and upsells which were set in place in their outdated and worthless programs.

They relentlessly had me going around in circles manipulating and cornering me in an attempt to have me spend even more money.

Regrettably, by the time I learned it was a scam, they made it extremely difficult and in most cases impossible to cancel.

A word of advice. Be very careful in this world we live in, where the term Business to some people means Taking Advantage of Someone in Every Way Possible.

To read more in detail about avoiding scams, click here.

Having said that, let’s continue from where I left off and start by making some sense of this Affiliate Marketing.

So first, just what is Affiliate Marketing? The Sale or the Process that Leads to a Sale of a company’s product(s) or service(s) for a commission through an Affiliate Marketing Program or Affiliate Program. Affiliates (me/you) would sign up (Affiliate Program) with a company to sell and/or lead customers/visitors to the online/internet company’s website.

In Laymen’s terms:

  1. You have a website, you add the link(s) or banner(s) for the company you’ve signed up with.
  2. Visitors to Your Website, if interested, click on the link(s) or banner(s) to purchase or take action for the product(s) or service(s).
  3. The visitors now are sent or led to the company’s website as a Lead or to complete the Sale/Purchase.
  4. Resulting in the commission to be paid out to you for the Sale/Purchase or Payment for the Lead.

Hopefully, you now have a basic understanding.

Furthermore to be more thorough and have you better prepared for what to expect, here are all that you may or would need in becoming an Affiliate Marketer.

Please note, depending on your specific use of your website/online business more may be needed which are not listed below.

  • Website
  • Domain name
  • Web Hosting
  • Training, Support, and Guidance
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Software set-up and maintenance
  • Continued Website Maintenance
  • Business Email Address
  • SSL: Secure Sockets Layer
  • Merchants Account
  • Autoresponder
  • Media, Video, and Audio for the website
  • Keyword research
  • Copywriting
  • Grammar check/ Editor
  • Advertisement: i.e. Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Marketing Your Website Online

More on the Training Lessons and Costs Incurred for Online Business Click Here.

Now What?  What’s Next? 

Well, the first thing to do is to get your own website and get it up and running.

How? By,

1) You could start by hiring a professional to perform all work associated with your Website and pay as much as several thousand.

Or, 2) You could try to do everything yourself for Free by searching the web.

Or, 3) You could do a combination of both, searching the web for what you could get for free and paying for what you find impossible to do yourself.

However regardless, if you do it yourself, do a combination, or pay thousands for a professional website (professional service).

What comes NEXT?

Assuming you have your own website operational what are you going to do next?

As mentioned above, you may think now I have a website I could add the Affiliate Marketing Program to the website and that’s true.

But what good is the Affiliate link/banner if you have no one visiting your website?

The fact that you have a website up, running, and live on the worldwide web doesn’t mean everyone will see it.

It’s like having a store but no one is coming to your store because they don’t know it exists or simply can’t find the store.

There are steps to implement ahead of time beforehand in order for the web searcher/surfers will be able to find your website.

To prevent a situation where people can’t find your store or even worse where they find your store and to your embarrassment, it’s completely empty, it’s imperative you receive the right guidance and be prepared in advance.

I just wanted to make it a point that these are the basics and the fundamentals I had to learn and experience in the beginning.

Along with trying to control how not to spend a fortune of my money and without wasting my valuable time locating the best and most honest education/training.

Simply, the right source that can be TRUSTED is the most important of all.

As you can judge from my experience, I had to find out and learn in little bits and pieces and through trial and error.

It was extremely frustrating at the time especially dealing with the Scammers and Liars.

However, throughout these experiences, I was able to understand and find the most cost-effective system. The best value for the money.

As a result, I was able to find a legitimate source.

Here’s What You Can Expect

Finally, I found the source that helped me step-by-step in guiding me with my Website, Domain name, and Hosting setup.

Overseeing and instructing me through the training lessons and by teaching me how to properly implement the Affiliate Marketing Program on my Website.

Furthermore, within their training lessons and live support, they helped me to hone my skills in generating a stream of traffic or visitors to my site.

Now with my hard work and commitment backed up by the support, help, and resources provided by the community, I can finally say I’m receiving the best value for the money in building my Online Business as an Affiliate Marketer.

I now can truly say I’m getting the best bang (excitement) for my buck (money).

Honestly, if you’re interested in starting your Own Online Business as an Affiliate Marketer and want to save yourself the trouble, hassle, aggravation, heartache, etc…

Then consider taking advantage of my experience and make it a benefit for yourself.

Furthermore, start your Online Business venture with one of the most trusted and respected community on the worldwide web.

We’ll be more than happy if you come and join us.

However, please be advised this is not a get-rich-quick scheme and much of your time and effort are needed.

If you’re expecting to make money quickly in weeks or even months as a beginner this is not the place for you.

I don’t want to give you the false impression you’ll earn money right away because there’s a step-by-step learning process.

Yet, the good news is you control the pace of the step-by-step process.

In short, How Quickly or Slowly You Learn and Act, Is Up To You.

With that being said, welcome to Wealthy Affiliate.

But first, (Please note, that there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.) 

First, here’s what you should know and expect if you decide to join Wealthy Affiliate.

  • Free Training Lessons
  • Instant Help and Support
  • 1 Free Website
  • Free Starter Membership
  • No Credit Card
  • No Personal Information Asked

You could get started with our Free Starter Membership and as mentioned we don’t ask you for a credit card or any personal information when you join.

Once you become a Free Starter Member you can begin by building a strong foundation for your Online Business by utilizing our Free Training Lessons (Basic).

Designed to walk you through step-by-step. You dictate the pace. Learn at your speed.Wealthy Affiliate 10 Free Training Lessons

Once you complete your Free Training Lessons (Free Starter Membership) then it’s up to you to decide if the Paid Membership (Premium Membership) which costs $49.00 monthly is for you.

Here below is the comparison of our Free Starter Membership (basic) -VS- Premium Membership (Advanced) for your review.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options

If it makes sense to you save even more money by becoming a Yearly Member for $495.00 US dollars. Which works out to $41.25 per month. $495.00 divided by 12 = $41.25 to be exact.

This works out to be a savings of $7.75 per month from the $49.00 monthly payment.

If you agree this is the best value for your money, click on the banners and start your Online Business with the Most Trusted and Respected community.

Start as a Starter Member, in the beginning, to make sure.

If you need an in-depth explanation of the Training Lessons and Costs associated with Starting an Online/Internet Business/Website, click here.


For additional information about Wealthy Affiliate and the Education, Websites, Hosting, Domains, Community, and Success Stories, Click Here.

Once again, start for Free with our Free Starter Membership to see if the Online Business would be for You.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Options

Become your Boss and Work for Yourself.

I truly want to thank you for sharing your time with me and look forward to seeing you around as a new member of our community.

If you can please leave me a comment or a question. I’ll be more than happy to hear from you.

Here’s to your Massive Success.


91 thoughts on “How To Become An Affiliate Marketer [Beginners & Newbies]

    • Welcome Cesar,

      Congratulations, I see that you’ve joined and become a starter member. To ensure the best outcome for your new business, focus on the training lessons and build a strong foundation for your success. I wish you the very best in your new online business venture.


  1. im looking forward to work online and how cat start and also how can make money for myself if i well be member what happen and how can i benefit

  2. Hi Jason, here is a question
    What if lets say Im paying the premium account each month, and after getting all set up and ready to go and continue by myself after studying everything and wanting to be independent, I stop the premium account, what happens then? you take the websites away from me?

    • Hello Limor,

      I want to thank you for for your question.

      When you stop your premium payment you could take your free websites and take it with you. However, you would need web hosting as I made you aware of the costs associated with doing business online. The web hosting is a cost for anyone or everyone that want to do business with a website online. So, if you’re able to get the web hosting for Free somewhere else or cheaper than Wealthy Affiliate then do so. Simply move your website from us and move it over to the hosting company of your choice.

      If in need of more information please let me know.


    • Hello Sajeendran Thotten,

      I see you’ve established your starter account with Wealthy Affiliate. I want to wish you much success in your new online business endeavor.


  3. Good day Jason,

    I want to learn how to be an affiliate and to be a member of your community. Thank you in advance.


  4. Im sorry for bothering you,in the end of 2013,i have came upon a large groupe of people in my city Osijek,involved in child trafficking,they killed one little girl in the basment of one club,named Oks,whos owner is Alen Borbaš.I tried to do something,but i got lots of threats,.I have talked to more than few people on facebook,they were mostly afraid to talk about it.I found out they bring teen girls from Bosnia,Serbia,and who knows form where else,they sell them around town as prostitutes,and occasionaly kill some of them in private sado-mazo sessions,i also belive they sell organs,from what is left of those kids.I also heard they are filming those sessions.In the end of 2016 i got a msg from one of them,where he admits they have connections in fbi,and sell kids to usa,its thier biggest market.I also found out they drugged and raped one teen girl from Osijek,and filmed the whole thing with mobile phone,she pressed charges,but they only got probation.If you can please help in any way.

    • Hello, dalibor kralj

      I want to thank you for your reply. I do agree that child trafficking should be of a priority for all nations throughout the world. Which lead me to say you can do something about it through becoming a free starter member and utilize the 2 free websites to fight back and bring awareness to all the world. Not only can your free websites be used for monetary return but for a cause that you believe in and what more than the issue of child trafficking be justifiable. Take advantage of what is offered to you and learn how and build your own website for this worthy cause. Here’s the link to get started on creating your own website.

      Much success for your worthy cause.

  5. Hello. I am not sure I understand. I can choose my own niche, like yarn and crochet, the things I love and I do a blog about it, I can post patterns. And if I become a member, I can earn money from this. And the links I post, where do the lead? To yarn shops?
    Thank you for your answer. I am a total beginner and I would like to earn some money from my blog. I don’t have a webside yet, but I have a lot of ides for the content.

    • Hello Katja,

      First of all, I want to thank you for your reply.

      You got the general idea for now.

      To let you know I was a total newbie like you myself.

      Realize that similar to anything you do for the first time the basics are where it all starts. For this reason, when you start with the free training lessons all will be explained and answered.

      Keep in mind, there are 10 free lessons, not just one. So, if you follow the lessons as outlined you’ll gain a thorough understanding of your new online business.

      We want you to have a true experience from our free lessons so you can make the best decision determining if the online business is really something you truly want to do.

      Too many people end up paying too much for nothing. When we say it’s free, we mean it’s free and the only thing it would cost you is the time you have invested.

      Hope to see you as a new member of our community. Here’s the link to get started if interested

      Much success,

        • First of all congratulations on joining Wealthy Affiliate.

          Out of curiosity, Katja, how did you join? I’ve searched to locate you however was not successful. Did you join by clicking on my link or another? Because I’m not finding you as my referral.

          Your help would be much appreciated. I may need to fix a glitch if you’ve joined by clicking on my link.

          Thanks for your help,

    • Hello Thomas, and thank you for your reply.

      You’ve asked a great question. However, at the present time, we do not offer the Clickfunnel tool in our premium membership. Wealthy Affiliate is always innovating our tools therefore hopefully in the near future it would be something to consider.

      Thanks again, for your question.

  6. Hi Jason, I have been interested in creating an online business for a few months. I have read many articles and seen many videos regarding affiliate marketing in specific, but the information you have shared has been the most complete, thank you for sharing your experience. I don’t have a website or blog, and also no background in this field, although it sounds like this is not a problem. Having said that I would like to learn more and sign up to your free training lessons to establish if this is the way forward for me and if this realm is the way forward to becoming a successful online business. Thank you for sharing your experience. Best regards, Paulo.

  7. Hi Jason, thanks so much for sharing this wonderful article. Therefore, I’ve gone through different article long time ago just recently but the article I read from and your experience with fraudulents is just really appreciated, though I’m really to become an Affiliate Marketer but I’ve no website no Blog too.

    Thanks so much Jason best regards from me MJ.

    • Hello Majama,

      First of all, I want to thank you for your reply. I see you’ve become a new member of our community. I wish you the very best in your new online business venture.

      Much success,