How To Avoid Scams for Starting An Online Business [A Must Read]

How To Avoid Scams For Starting An Online Business.

Have you at any point in your life sought to start an online business yet was simply too afraid, making it impossible to act due to the risk of being scammed?

I definitely can identify with your concern.

I’ve had my share of succumbing to scams offering success by profiting online through the use of programs, products, and services.

I’m not saying all that you see on the web are scams however tragically an excessive number seems to be.

For this reason, have I had read something to the sort of “How to avoid scams for starting an online business” when I began, my experience could have been less agonizing. But unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of receiving any guidance.

And to briefly give a reason why I fell victim to the scam was due to the overwhelming amount of information on the web which I will cover later.

Now, let me share my experience with you. As I recall, the first scam I fell victim, with respect to starting an online business, was with the WAH or Work-At-Home back in 2015.

I remember they had a convincing site that had a video clip of what seemed to be a news reporter giving extremely high praise. And, along with the testimonials and endorsements, I thought it was valid.

I believe, if I recall correctly, it sold for $199.00 US dollars. But after viewing and studying the site, as I tried to leave the site, I could not exit. Rather, a popup came up and the price dropped lower.

I now attempted to close the popup and still, the price dropped even lower. Once more, I attempted and a similar outcome, lower.

Yet again I tried to exit and finally, it stopped at $69.00 dollars and immediately, a timer appears and began a countdown. As time was ticking down I paused for several minutes to think to myself, and I thought, “I may miss out on a good deal.”

So, convincing myself “It’s only $69.00 dollars and what could possibly go wrong?” I talked and persuaded myself into purchasing before the time ran out.

Believe me, scammers are pros when it comes to playing with the mind. Well, at least, my mind, anyway.

Justifying myself, having made the investment, I started with the training and hoped it would be worthwhile. But as I went through the training, little by little, I’ve discovered it wasn’t up to date.

Due to the changes made by Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others during the past 10 years, the training was outdated and their methods were no longer allowed. I cannot say for sure if their training was intentionally and deliberately made this useless way or became this way due to negligence.

But regardless of why it was this way, their training was simply pointless and useless. So, I immediately brought to their attention to the issue and they conveniently referred me to their private coaches/mentors.

Upon contact with the coach/mentor, I was revolted to find out, for their services I’ll be charged by the hour and how much they quoted wasn’t cheap.

At this point, thinking it could cost me a fortune, I decided to finish their useless training in hopes of picking up something useful. However, with no luck of unearthing anything beneficial, I had an aspiration for only one choice for redemption and that was to pursue to get my money back.

In hindsight, knowing what I know now have I proceeded with the program, I would have paid thousands just for the private coaching alone and this did not include others costs which I’ll go over later.

Yet, all things considered, it seems I made the right decision not to proceed because they’re no longer in business and the site is up for sale for $10,000,000 dollars. Can you believe? That’s ten million.

After this experience, I tried to be more careful, patient and always ready to do my due diligence before taking any action.

Nevertheless, too much research and due diligence can also have its disadvantages because there’s an excess of data on the world wide web. And, sooner or later the information one is seeking clarity can overwhelm the individual. With such a great amount of data to review, it’s anything but difficult to get information overload. Which was one of the primary reasons why I fell for the scam in the first place?

This excessive amount of data now becomes a deterrent and exacerbates the situation. Because of the constant verifying to see if the product or service is genuine, can even lead you to question the legitimacy of a valid company. It’s hard enough on itself depending on a verifiable company yet having to prove if they’re authentic can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

We are restricted to 24 hours a day which sometimes isn’t sufficient on the grounds that we have other important activities in our lives. Who has all day only for researching and validating, let alone searching specifically for “How to avoid scams for starting an online business?”  Isn’t that right?

However, sadly, for a large number of us, we experience this day by day, week by week, month to month and even yearly in any desire for finding the ideal organization. It took me several months to locate the ideal place and that is simply because I’ve dedicated to completely devote my time to search for that fitting community.

Understand, it’s not about surfing the web and lucking out in spotting the perfect group. It’s about actually testing and experimenting with, to check whether they’re keeping their promise.

What’s more, as I specified, things can get extremely overwhelming, befuddling and time-consuming trying to prove if the organizations are genuine.

Which leads me to say, I have experienced what many of you are going through now and can relate to you. And for the past several years, having an online business up and running, I’ve read many comments and remarks on “How for so long I’ve been looking and searching for a place like this.”

However, before I get to that, let me give you a clear idea of what it takes to get an online / internet business up, running and ready to make money.

The cost in US dollars:The Make Up of a Website's Components and Costs

I need to emphasize now, please keep in mind, anyone and everyone doing business online utilizing a website, all must employ what I have listed above. That’s including multi-billion dollar companies like eBay, Walmart, Target or any other companies or individuals that use a website to do business. And, there is No Exception.

As should be obvious from the rundown above, someone new to the online / internet business world would have a difficult time knowing precisely what to do first. And, that was the way it was for me at the outset and consequently, I was extremely defenseless against scams.

As mentioned, In the event, have I had read something as to the nature of what I’m relaying to you on “how to avoid scams”, it could have incredibly lessened my odds of falling for these lies.

Notwithstanding my experience and as for how someone new can have a troublesome time disentangling what I’ve listed above, here’s a brief notice of what you must grasp concerning how scammer exploit.

The first Red Flag you need to watch out and avoid is anything and everything that leads you to believe making money online is Easy. I’m sorry to say IT IS NOT EASY!! 

At all costs, you MUST AVOID Get-Rich-Quick schemes because no one gets rich quick. Including the scammers themselves. Like the company I have dealt with eventually, they get caught or forced out.

Second, if you see pictures on the website of the owner with flashy cars, luxurious homes, stacks of money and anything that shows how successful the person is, beyond the norm, be very cautious. Because most if not all of the time it’s a lie.

In addition, if you happen to see ANY terms used to insinuate Guaranteed, Total, Complete, Absolute, etc. SUCCESS is a Red Flag.

Plus, be very careful with those promising to give you your money back or for a full refund. Expect to fight for your money back.

Once again I repeat please remember, due to the nature of how complicated it can be to start an online / internet business the scammers will make every effort to emphasize “Making Money Online is Quick and Easy.” And again and again, I reiterate, IT IS NOT EASY…

I could go on and on about the scammers but let me stop here. If you have any questions, comments or reply regarding scammers please feel free to leave me a message at the end of this page. I’ll be more than happy to get back to you.

I hope at this point I have supplied you with some insight on the process of starting an online business but I’m not here just for the reasons I’ve explained and outlined above.

I’m here for those of you who have been looking and searching for that Ideal Place. For those of you who are interested and ready to take action in learning and building your own online business.

As for me the search and research have paid off when I discovered this community. And honestly speaking, I could not have done anything without their help, support, guidance, and resources.

Therefore, if you’re willing to work hard and put in the effort. I want to extend an invitation to you, to a community I was fortunate to join. They were able to help me put the complicated scattered pieces in order and I’m sure the same can be done for you.

So, with no further delay, I want to introduce to you Wealthy Affiliate.

And, here’s what you can expect from Wealthy Affiliate.

First and for most, you’ll receive the help and support from nearly a million of our members from all throughout the world. You’ll receive the help and support 24/7/365 because someone is always awake somewhere. You could rest assured with so many members you’ll get the answer to any of your questions in a timely fashion.

Before I forget there’s one other thing that may interest you. Did I mention there’s a Free Starter Membership?

Yes, there is, but first please note, there are No Free Starter Membership / Free Training Lessons for people living in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Only the paid or Premium Membership is offered. Plus, unfortunately, the following countries are unable to join Premium, even as a paid Premium member. Senegal, Turkey, and Nigeria.

Here’s what you’ll receive with your Free Starter Membership.

Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership

  • No credit card or personal information when you join.
  • 24/7/365 Help and Support
  • 1 Free Website for Starter Member
  • Website Backup
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Free Starter Membership has no time limit
  • Free Starter MemberTraining Lessons

This is a Free 10-lesson course that is part of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification for our new Starter Member. It will walk you through the steps of creating a successful online business that generates revenue. This getting started the course (level 1) is your first step to realizing your potential as an online business owner.Wealthy Affiliate 10 Free Training Lessons

Upon completing your free training lessons, you’ll hold a clearer understanding of deciding either to remain as a Free Strater Member. Or become a Premium Member, however, I note, for a cost.

For those who are earnest about continuing to the next level can upgrade to the Premium Membership for $49/month.

Please refer to the comparison below.

Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership

On the off chance, if you decide to start an online business on your own or through an alternate source, as I have brought to your attention above. You’ll incur costs and not to mention the essential pieces required to manage and operate your online business.

Let’ take a look once again to see how many on the list are incorporated in the Premium Membership.

Components Included and Not Included with Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership

As should be obvious most are included in the Premium Membership. An immense advantage you’ll receive and experience with Wealthy Affiliate.

Just think of Wealthy Affiliate as your One-Stop Destination.

For additional information about Wealthy Affiliate and the Education, Websites, Hosting, Domains, Community, and Success Stories, Click Here.

So, if you’re willing, Wealthy Affiliate is a great place where you can start an online business of your own.

You’ll be well compensated for your hard work and effort. Because the good news is it’s up to you to make it happen, you pay yourself, you’re your own boss and you’re in charge.

Although keep in mind, much of your time is needed because this is not a Get-Rich-Quick scheme. I cannot emphasize enough.

I want to thank you for sharing your time with me.

If you haven’t already click on the banners above to join us, please do so, because we’ll be more than happy to have you in our community.

Also, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a question. I’ll be more than happy to hear from you.  

I’m looking forward to seeing you around.






8 thoughts on “How To Avoid Scams for Starting An Online Business [A Must Read]

  1. Hi, Jason not sure where to start. I have tried many ways to get ahead in this life to just make an honest living. It is not an easy task. This online arena has been a real kicker.. I say this to say that is it really worth it in the long run? Use your hard earned money to go where? Just trying to get some assurance or should I say real facts to make a decent living.

    • Hi Teresa, and thank you for your reply. Yes, I agree with you striving to make an honest living is not an easy task. I’ve had my share of the ups and downs and can relate to you. However, I could assure you, in the long run, it would be well worth your time that you’ve investigated our community.

      As I have mentioned, online business is not for everyone because if so everyone will be doing it. Take the risk-free training lessons and first determine if the online business will be for you. Here’s the link to set up your free starter account

      As you have read my page, we’re not here to mislead anyone in any way. I hope to see you in our community as a new member. And, if I have not addressed your concern, please let me know, and I’ll try to respond promptly as possible.


    • Sorry, Teresa. Must have been a glitch. The original message which was sent to you on May 18, 2018, at 10:07 AM for some reason never found you. I do apologize.


  2. Hi Teresa, and thank you for your reply. Yes, I agree with you striving to make an honest living is not an easy task. I’ve had my share of the ups and downs and can relate to you. However, I could assure you, in the long run, it would be well worth your time that you’ve investigated our community.

    As I have mentioned, online business is not for everyone because if so everyone will be doing it. Take the risk-free training lessons and first determine if the online business will be for you. Here’s the link to set up your free starter account

    As you have read my page, we’re not here to mislead anyone in any way. I hope to see you in our community as a new member. And, if I have not addressed your concern, please let me know, and I’ll try to respond promptly as possible.


  3. Jason I agree with you I have started with WA, I am new in this industry was scammed many times and I in the bootcamp so far busy with my training and I enjoy every moment In WA. their training is straightforward. hope to follow Teresa in the community.

    • Welcome to our community, Teresa. Wish you much success in your new online business endeavor. Great to hear you’re taking advantage of the training lessons.


    • Hello Embrk,

      First of all I want to thank you for your reply. To be honest with you, no one can make you successful because it up to you to utilize the training, tools, resources, help or support. In other words, they can provide what you need for free or for a price however, they will not do it for you.

      If you’re willing to put in the time and effort the free training lessons with Wealthy Affiliate you’ve just read about can get you started in the right direction without you being fearful of getting scammed.

      Here’s once again the link to get started
      If you’re interested click on the link it ‘s you’re decision.

      Hope to see you around in our community as a new member.

      Much Success,

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